About Us



Developing and integrating mathematics into the corporate world


Marketing and promoting mathematics for global attention; Inducing positive attitude towards mathematics and encouraging academic excellence through its activities.


M.A.N.U. shall aim at ensuring that Mathematicians attain recognition and are absorbed into our job market.


  • To promote academic excellence by providing the members with relevant study materials such as past papers and tutorials; as well as useful hints on how to achieve the best in academics.
  • To promote and enhance the stability of individual career by linking members to the job market through the job market and/or attachment program provided by the Association.


  • Any student of Mathematics in the College of Biological and Physical Sciences, School of Mathematics, undergraduate or postgraduate, shall be eligible for membership and shall, subject to willingness to abide the provisions of the constitution; be accepted as and therefore become a full member of M.A.N.U.
  • Every member of M.A.N.U. shall pay a subscription fee of Ksh.200.00 and a renewal fee of Ksh.100.00 per academic year.
  • Every member of M.A.N.U. shall be entitled to a certificate of membership upon completion of their academic stay in the University.