Monthly Archives: November 2013

OHSA participation in Tree planting in Kibwezi

Sixteen members of the One Health Students Association took part in the Tree planting extravaganza at Kibwezi on 15th. November, 2013.

The groups that took part in the tree planting session were as follows:

1. One Health Students Association
2. Upper Kabete Environmental Forum
3. Run away Environmentalists
4. University of Nairobi scouts


Participants queueing to receive tree seedlings


OHSA participants carrying the tree seedlings to the planting site


A member of OHSA analysing the viability of the tree before planting sam_1446

A member of OHSA posing for a photo as he saves the environment


The young and the old teamed up to make the event a success


Others made it a serious business and needed no interruption


If squatting became unbearable why not stand..and the job continued


Others made it a fun activity and enjoyed every bit of it all


Andrew Mbithi a fifth year vet student and a member of OHSA taking a step towards “greenification” of Kibwezi


Erick a fourth year vet student a member of the OHSA taking a step towards “environment saving initiative”


A section of the OHSA team who took part in the tree planting session at Kibwezi. Kudos ALL of you for the wonderful work done, you made OHSA proud.

Meeting the Zoonotic Disease Unit team in Kenya

On 14th. November, 2013 a team of the Exchange students fro Colorado State university One Health club and OHSA officials visited the Zoonotic Disease unit in Kenya to have an overview about their activities, programs and probable ways of collaboration and networking.

A brief presentation was made about each of the institutions represented i.e. OHSA, One Health club-CSu and ZDU.

It was agreed that the three institutions should work in future  in One Health programs together.

ZDU also highlighted about the on coming conference which can be accessed via the link:


Group photo outside the ZDU office, Kenya


Prof. Sue meets the Dean, Prof. Mulei

Prof. Sue (Ass. Dean of Research CVMBS-CSU) had a lengthy discussion with the Dean Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-University of Nairobi, Prof. Mulei on the future collaborative initiatives between the two colleges on the One Health platform.

It was indeed agreed that the two colleges have made a tremendous effort towards the promotion of the One Health Concept and more programs are to crop up in the near future.


A discussion session between Prof. Sue and Dean, Prof. Mulei


Prof. Sue and Dean, Prof. Mulei shaking hands as a sign of “Oneness”


From right to left [Dean, Prof. Mulei; Kelvin (President-OHSA) and Prof. Sue]


Prof. Sue seminar titled: “Two colleges, One health”

Prof. Sue VandeWoude gave an empowering seminar at the 8:4:4 boardroom as from 2pm to 4pm titled “Two colleges, One health”.

During her discussion Prof. Sue highlighted the following:

1. Introduction to CSU and CVMBS [College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedica Sciences, CSU]
2. Research programmes in CVMBS
3. University of Nairobi affinities and ongoing partnerships
4. CSU one health initiative and grant opportunities
5. Student initiatives

The areas of emphasis for the CVMBS are: Animal Cancer Centre, Animal Population Health Institute, Integrated Livestock Management, Centre for immune and Regenerative Medicine and Centre for companion Animal Eealth and the Musculoskeletal Research Centre.

Prof. Sue also emphasised on the importance of translational research i.e. “One Medicine”

Some of the ongoing One Health Projects at CSU mentioned were:

1. Novel mosquito control measures by Drs. Foy and Bill Black, studuies in Senegal
2. Agro-ecosystem/One health rice and beans by Dr. Elizabeth Ryan-studies in US, Asia and Africa
3. Mycobacterium tuberculosis studies by Dr. Francisco Olea-Popelka

It was also noted that from the presentation that the top 5 One Health issues are:

1. Infectious/zoonotic diseases
2. Food Safety/security
3. Wildlife/ecosystem/environmental issues
4. Climate change
5. Human impact

N/B: It as mentioned that the most neglected area is systemic solutions

The visits that have been accomplished during this year between the University of Nairobi and Colorado State University are as follows:

  • Feb 2013 Prof Jesse Njoka
  • May 2013 Prof Peter Mbithi
  • July-Aug 2013 Drs. Joyce Berry, LouSwanson, Craig Beyrouty
  • Oct 2013 Kelvin Momanyi
  • Nov 2013 Sue V/Dick B
  • Nov 2013 Anna Fagre/Michael Marricle

Future Visits from CSU to UoN

  • Elizabeth Ryan, PhD; rice bran nutrition to enhance GI health!
  • Kristy Pabilonia, DVM, PhD; Veterinary
  • Microbiology and Diagnostics; Avian Diseases!
  • Sushan Han, DVM, PhD; Veterinary Pathology with emphasis on livestock and wildlife disease
  • Francisco Olea-Popelka, BVSc, PhD; Veterinary
  • Epidemiology; Bovine TB


During a session of the seminar presentation by Prof. Sue


Presentation by Prof. Sue and Prof. Bowen to the OHSA

Prof. Sue (Professor of Comparative Medicine) and Prof. Bowen (Professor of infectious Diseases), gave a very motivational talk to the members of the OHSA on 4th. November, 2013 as from 5pm to 6:30pm.

The presentation covered diverse areas on the One Health activities at CSU, various pandemic and emerging infectious in the world (inclusive of Rabies, influenza strains, West nile virus, etc.)

Some of the members who attending the talk also received tokens from Prof. Sue of items such as note books, pens, pencils, and shirts with CSU logo on them.


group photo after the presentation the members of the OHSA

President OHSA Visits Colorado State University

The President One Health students Association of the University of Nairobi visited the Colorado State University-One Health Club for two weeks as from 13th to 27th October, 2013 to initiate an exchange program between the One Health groups.

During the two weeks the President-OHSA had an opportunity to visit the various Faculty members, Departments and institutions within and outside Colorado State University, so as to identify areas of future research collaboration.

During the two week exchange at Colorado State University the following were the proposed collaboration areas between the University of Nairobi and Colorado State University, One Health program:


  1. Develop a virtual inter-learning network between the two universities
  2. Development of short-term academic and training programs
  3. Joint teaching arrangements and/or supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes
  4. Student group exchange
  5. Joint application for funding including donor funds, research grants, contributions or subscriptions

The logistics towards the successful execution of the proposed areas of collaboration will be discussed on December.


From left to right [Anna Fagre (President-One Health Club-CSU); Prof. Sue (Ass. Dean of Research-CSU); Kelvin (President-OHSA); Dr. Stetter (Dean-College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, CSU); Prof. Francisco (Prof. of Epidemiology, CSU)


President-OHSA giving a talk on “One Health, from Vision to Fashion” and CSU


Working with Elks at the Colorado Wildlife Game Park


Working with the Llamas during a livestock rotation session


A section of the indoor CSU football ground


A section of the MRI diagnostic room


A section of CT scan diagnostic room


A section of the anaesthesia prep room


At the School of Global Environmental  Sustainability Meeting with Prof. Diana Wall and Stacy Lynn



Collaboration with SACIDS

SACIDS stands for the Southern African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance.

SACIDS is a ONE HEALTH consortium of southern African medical and veterinary, academic and research institutions involved with infectious diseases of humans and animals in the DRC , Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia and Tanzania, In an innovative partnership with world-renowed centres of research in industrialised countries []

The President, Vice President and Secretary of the OHSA had an opportunity to meet with Mr. Erick Beda [a member of the SACIDS secretariate] to discuss on how to collaborate and capacity build the OHSA of the University of Nairobi.


From left to right [The President (Kelvin), Vice President (Moses), SACIDS secretariate member (Mr. Beda) and Treasurer (Patricia)]



INTENSIVE COURSE: “From Farm to Table” [HESONA VetNet]

HESONA vetnet is an application of teacher and student mobility, intensive courses and supporting network activities between the Veterinary Faculties of University of Helsinki (UH), Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania and University of Nairobi (UoN) in Kenya.

“From Farm to Table” was a two week course held at Sokoine University as from 4th to 17th. August. 2013 organized by the HESONA Vetnet (Helsinki-Sokoine-Nairobi Veterinary Network).

The course covered the whole production chain of milk and meat from the production unit (farm) to the table of the consumer, highlighting the critical points in the production chain with respect to food safety. The course focused on cattle, small ruminants, swine and poultry.

The steps of the food production chain covered included: Primary production, slaughtering, processing of the food, and retail. In addition, the food safety risks that are linked with serving the food at home were covered as well as the measures for food safety control. The differences between the predominant risks in food production in participating countries were considered as well as compared.

This intensive course combined the know-how of a veterinary practitioner and a hygienist veterinary surgeon giving an overall and comparative view of the food production in Kenya, Finland and in Tanzania. The course consisted of lectures, practical work in groups and field excursions.

List of participants

The attendees were:

  1. Two Kenyan instructors (Prof. Kitala and Dr. Gathuma)
  2. Three Finish instructors (Dr. Niemi M., Dr. Joutsen S., and Dr. Pekkala A.)
  3. Ten Tanzanian instructors (Prof. Batamuzi, Prof. Wambura, Dr. Mushi, Dr. Kashoma, Dr. Katakweba, Prof. Muhairwa, Prof. Ngomuo, Dr. Ngowi, Prof. Karimuribo, and Prof. Kurwijila)
  4. Five Kenyan students (Momanyi Kelvin Nyariaro, Wamaitha Moses, Patricia Wandia, Malenje Everisto and Grace Kaiba)
  5. Two Finish students (Heidi Jarvimaki and Joni Pulliainen) and
  6. Ten Tanzanian students (Titus Erick, Ng’umbi Nickson, William Robert, Kiwale Isaya, Bura dafay, Choga Jeremia, Richard Samson, Mngumi Samwel, Yuster Lucas, and Mutakyawa Eliud)


The various topics that were covered during the course were:

  • Meat (beef): Kenyan perspective, meat inspection (Prof. Kitala)
  • Meat (beef)-Slaughter of cattle and meat inspection-Tanzanian perspective (Prof. Kazwala)
  • Slaughter of cattle and meat inspection-Finnish perspective (Dr. S. Joutsen/Dr. A. Pekkala
  • Meat, General-Meat quality and factors associated with it (Dr. Mushi)
  • Visit to Nanane exhibitions (All)
  • Meat, General-Foodborne illnesses caused by meat products; zoonoses originating from meat-Tanzanian perspective (Prof. Kazwala)
  • Foodborne illnesses caused by meat products; zoonoses originating from meat-Finnish perspective (Dr. S. Joutsen)
  • Meat, Beef-Feeding of beef cattle; body condition scoring (Dr. M. Niemi)
  • Animal welfare issues (Dr. M. Niemi)
  • Meat, Excursion to slaughterhouse and meat shop both cattle and pigs (Dr. Kashoma)
  • Use of antibiotics, public health point of view, Residues –Tanzania (Dr. Katakweba Abdul)
  • Finnish control system for antibiotics (Dr. S. Joutsen)
  • Meat, pork-European view of pig welfare (DVM A. Pekkala)
  • Castration Tanzanian perspective on pig welfare (Prof. Muhairwa)
  • Water hygiene (Prof. Gathura)
  • Excursion to water treatment plant (Moruwasa) (All-Dr. Mshamu to coordinate)
  • Poultry, meat and eggs: Management of broilers including feeding and genetics and management of laying hens including feeding and genetics (Prof. Ngomuo)
  • Poultry slaughter; Pig slaughter and meat inspection in Tanzania (Dr. Ngowi)
  • Poultry, meat and eggs: Zoonotic diseases in poultry-Salmonella and Campylobacteria-in Africa and Europe (TBA and Dr. S. Joutsen)
  • Factors affecting the shelf-life of eggs (TBA)
  • Milk-Milk, mastitis, milk borne diseases-Tanzanian perspective (Prof.Karimuribo)
  • Milk, mastitis, milk borne diseases-Finnish perspective (Anni Pekkala and DVM Mari Niemi)
  • Milk-Influence of feeding on quality and composition of milk (DVM A. Pekkala, DVM M. Niemi


One of the training session


A visitation to Moruwasa dam


At Mikumi national Park


At Mikumi National Park


A section of the Nanane exhibition by the Department of Anatomy of teh Sokoine University of Agriculture-FVM


Some of the training instructors having a chat during the last day of training.