Horizon 2020 – The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Horizon 2020 commenced in January 2014 as the new Framework Programme to implement the Innovation Union with research and innovation funds of €80 billion from 2014 – 2020.
Horizon 2020 addresses all research and innovation funding that was previously provided through the Framework Programmes for Research and Technical Development (e.g. FP7), Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) and European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
Support proposed for Research and Innovation under Horizon 2020 includes:
- Strengthening research in Science (budget of €24.5 billion)
- Strengthening Industrial leadership in Innovation (budget of €22.6 billion), including investment in key technologies, access to capital and support for SMEs
- Address Societal challenges (budget of €31 billion) such as climate change, sustainable transport and mobility, affordable renewal energy, food security, ageing population

The IST-Africa Guide to 2014 Calls for Proposals within Horizon 2020 provides an overview of Calls, themes and deadlines within the Marie Curie, eInfrastructures, Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT – Components and Systems, Advanced Computing, Future Internet, Content Technologies and Information Management, Robotics and Key enabling Technologies (Micro-nano-electronics and photonics)) and each of the Societal Challenges (Health, Food Security and Agriculture, Energy, Transport, Environment, Inclusive and Reflective Societies, Secure Societies) Work Programmes.
ICT is a horizontal activity that is included across a number of Work Programmes within LEIT and within Societal Challenges. Download Guide to ICT-related Activities in Work Programmes
The Work Programmes for each thematic area were published on 11 December 2013. Please find links to these work programmes below with an initial list of Calls closing in 2014
Please visit the Horizon 2020 section within the Participants portal to download the Proposers Guide and specific templates to prepare proposals for submission under Horizon 2020 calls open in 2014 within specific Marie Curie, eInfrastructures, LEIT and Societal Challenges themes.
Marie Curie Calls
Marie Curie WorkProgramme 2014 – 2015