Attention dear brethrens

Shallom dearest of brethrens,

This is to bring to your attention that the Upper Kabete Campus Catholic Community (UKCCC) is already out and ready for use by the community members.This is in line with migrating from analogue to the digital era and keeping the changes in the world abreast.

This will facilitate coordination of the community activities and information delivery by making the processes more efficient and effective.

I hereby,with much appreciation,thank the CAVS ICT department for their diligence in guiding on the creation,management and running of this website.God bless you.

I also welcome members to actively access, post and comment. This is a golden opportunity for each and every one of us to educate and inform each other on this social platform.What is that verse that inspires you,that quote that motivates you,that chorus that gives you strength….what is that which keeps you forging forward,tough times not withstanding,…here is a chance to tell us…we are all ears.Tis great fun!!!

Gitonga David-Chairperson

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