“One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.”Psalm 145:4.
Mentorship, a derivative of the noun mentor, is extensively used by us all, ranging from children to senior citizens, at kindergarten or university. The word was previously synonymous with parents, teachers and supervisors but it has become the buzz word in all spheres of society and personal development.
There is a deep need for sound advice and learning from people with more experience and whose character and status befit the title of a mentor. In our current world where it seems almost impossible to lack sources of advice like Google, there is still a real need for personal touch with human beings as sources of advice and direction. Indeed the urge to seek and discover one’s purpose in life drives us to pursue meaningful relationships in order to discern God’s will in somebody’s life. Genesis 1:26-27 reminds us that we are created in the image of God and in His likeness. If we submit ourselves to His directorship, it is possible to help others discover their purpose in life in the process of navigating the treacherous course that life sometimes takes.
Sound advice is needed at the turn of every direction and fork on every road. People continue to need others to plug in, sacrifice time and journey together with them through all or some part of life. Apostle Peter in 1st Peter 5:1-5 exhorts elders (he being their fellow elder) to shepherd, exercise oversight and be an example to those under their charge. This should be done willingly, not for gain and not domineering.
Titus 2:3-5, specifically instructed older women to train younger women what is good, how to love their husbands and their children (I used to think this was automatic!), be self- controlled, pure, working at home, kind and submissive to their husbands. If he were to instruct older men, I doubt the expectations would be different. We all need help at every turn of our lives. We require someone to do it or else we lose direction.
Life poses the picture of two generations, torn apart by age, experience and perspectives. The separated generations are pulling to their side with distrust, disdain and distance. Given this situation, it is increasingly becoming an enormous task to bridge these generations. The popular cliché “Children of this Generation!” has continued to be flaunted at the expense of real focused engagement with the young people who are graduating from our high schools and universities.
This is where mentorship comes in. It is like building a bridge between the two separate generations. On one side, mentors have their wisdom of age, experience and good sense. On the other side, mentees match with the need for wisdom, advice, correction and godly discipline. They merge with the cement of humility to build the bridge of understanding.
It is only by doing so that we open up for a great adventure with God to learn from the wisdom of age and experience as well as relish in the joy of youth which are both divinely ordained.
The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 highlights that we go-take the step; make disciples, show people the way, direct, advice, teaching them – share your life both the formal and informal, to observe all that I have commanded you-your experiences and lessons from the past events, your new insight informed by your hindsight.
Take a deep look into your life, where would you have been without the deliberate input of someone more mature than you? You too can influence others. So go out, seek and make disciples.