Hey everyone!

My name is DANCAN OTIENO and I am the new NUMA chairman for the coming academic year 2014/15. It is hard to believe there is only a month to the end of our semester. This semester for me has been productive and yet enjoyable, in the time remaining before the semester ends, I hope to squeeze in few more activities for NUMA members.

NOW DOWN TO BUSINESS: with this entry I wanted to bring to light some of the changes, goals and events we have coming next academic year.

First off…..we HAVE OUR OWN WEBSITE AS NUMA. Thanks to our former chairlady, who worked tirelessly with IT technician, to get a site that we could freely update and design ourselves. Mine will be, to make sure that our website is active and has necessary materials, and also to see if we can be getting daily/weekly weather forecast through our website.

We also have few events already scheduled;

·         Trip, academic trip Hell’s gate  Naivasha (logistics to be communicated by year reps)

·         Departmental NUMA flag tournament sport 11th October 2014

·         Career talk October 22nd

These are just but a few events that we shall have, for more events please visit our website. So if you are back to school early then feel free to come and hang out at either of the two early event

Lastly I want to let you know my goal for our great NUMA. I really want to see NUMA get some recognition in the various sectors like ministry of environment, water and sector of aviation. Ou previous offices have put us on a good track and association has done really well in the last year, and I think we deserve some acknowledgments. With that said, my goal for association is to win any recognition award.

Thank you and enjoy the rest of your semester everyone

Email        mobile no.; +254728810063  

********** THE BEST NUMA TO ALL***************************


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