Diligence, working smart and remaining focused to your goals constituted the speech produced by the onuss chairman to the 1st years during the principals address on September 16 2015 in millennium hall 1.Besides him is the SONU campus representative Mr. Ronald Dianga who also talked about dignity and the importance of living by Gods commandments.
CBPS principal Prof. B.O Aduda welcomed the 1st years to the college.

Below is the speech by the ONUSS Chairman:
The DVC academic affairs Prof;Mutoro, the principal College of Biological and Physical Sciences Prof: B Aduda, Dean School of Physical Sciences Prof C.Nyamai, Director School of Biological Sciences,Director halls of residence,directors of ICT,UON health service, chairpersons all department and our chief guests 2015 young youths the 2015 1st years Good morning. ‘Mko vepe wasee?’
Yesterday at the orientation table I was approached by a small dark complexation boy averagely 17years of age and there he went “niaje mguyz registration yah hii stuff inaduiwa wapi?nmecome na muantis wa mine na anadai nidu mtu solo.Nidunge madigits za kwako ntakuvutia wire nkimada”I had to surrender to that and gave him my card.Oooh I didn’t mean “Mollis nmesalenda”
Welcome to the college of Biological and physical sciences in Chiromo.Only three years ago,my friends and I sat on the same seats you are in today and listened to the welcoming remarks.To tell you the truth I don’t remember a word of what they said. Nevertheless, I knew I had made the right choice.
I encourage you to take chances, to stretch yourselves and try things that may seem beyond your reach. Don’t just sit back and absorb, be an active participant in your education. Ask questions, probe for answers. I love the way the way in which you are filled with hope and dreams and determination. I love the beauty and serene environment of Chiromo campus. You are going to be taught by the best lecturers in Africa. Don’t give up on your dreams.
For ladies (and of course men), the level of your cleanliness is measured by your dignity. Guard it at all costs. Three weeks ago on a Friday night at around 1 p.m, I was trying to research on the effects of tribalism. I was watching the Rwanda’s genocide documentary. Then I heard knocks and screams at my door. I opened the door only to find a third year lady lying down in tears claiming that she had been raped at the junction opposite the morgue. I stopped what I was doing, called some of my friends and took her to the health facility. As we were trying to help her several questions ran in our minds for instance, At 1a.m in the night what was the lady doing in town? Why did she alight along riverside drive at that hour of the night owing to the dangerous realities that face the road past 8p.m?if she resides in upper state house hostels why did she decide to use the Chiromo route? She answered all this questions to the nurse saying she needed to walk at night and get fresh air.
Men lower your dignity and you find no serious girl no matter how handsome you are, vise versa applies to the ladies unless the numerous bad boys who will capitalize on your situation.
ONUSS is the umbrella body of all science students. It is a professional organization that constitutes all the departmental clubs,its offices are located at CEBIB building. As the Onuss chair my office is open to each and every one of you.You can reach me in writing, by word of mouth and any other professional way.My work is to serve you.
I thank the school administration for believing in our leadership. We endevour to deliver to the best of our abilities in seeing to it that there is a transformational change in student leadership.
Thank you