The organization of Nairobi University Science Students( ONUSS) is a professional body in the University of Nairobi- College of Biological and Physical sciences (CBPS).
For some people, election period is really exciting while for some…it’s really frustrating.
It comes different here in Chiromo and especially in ONUSS which is a body governed by stipulated rules and regulations that promote integrity among both leaders and students themselves.
On Friday 4th October 2019, ONUSS held elections for two positions as follows:
– First year Representative
– School of Biological Sciences( SBS) representative
From the office of Cooperate and social affairs, I’m glad to report that the elections were fair and very transparent. I believe in something very crucial..that you can be given the recipe for a certain dish…but you are the magic, those who had magical campaigns emerged winners and their names are listed below…

-John Ng’ang’a as the first year representative who is a first year in the school of physical sciences
– Christine Ouma as the SBS representative who is a third year student studying I11.(Bsc in Biology).

ONUSS is the organization in Chiromo that has it all
God bless UoN..God bless ONUSS