Monthly Archives: November 2013


Among the key principles to proper leadership is the virtue of service. In the process of serving people, we get an opportunity to improve ourselves, we are able to stimulate personal responsibilities. The act of service in a great way to break common barriers thus promoting love and harmony. The act of service is the a gateway to fulfillment and happiness.

In the process of development , challenge your limitations, exercise experiential learning, set goals and ensure a consistent culture.

Be open to form teams, in those teams : mentor , be open-minded , respect and energize each other towards achieving the set goals. Encourage proper communication amongst the member of the group, this may be a key factor in encouraging living in diversity.

Dr . Aketch


Mr Smith Mose, Administrator at Kenya Wildlife Service, highlighted that cooperation and understanding are the key team building recipes.

Instances where production was the soul purpose for management, the employees got bored of the repetitive tasks, therefore , more to production is ensuring the social needs of the employees are met whilst at work. This causes better production and a fulfillment to the employees as well.

A well formed cooperation of people with like-minded purpose will make a better team thus making an improved production. The process of team building is summarized through the steps :

  • Storming – this is when the group members have an average will to participate fully in the team. There are limited communications with minimal participation from the team members.
  • Norming – this is when the group members have accepted the tasks they are to perform together. They set some ground rules.
  • Performing – team members have a gained insight into personal and team process with a better understanding of others weaknesses and strengths.

Smith Mose.

What is ONUSS ?

Onuss Officials and CBPS staff presenting donations

Onuss Officials and CBPS staff presenting donations

ONUSS stands for Organization of Nairobi University Science Students. It draws its membership from the students in the College of Biological and Physical Sciences based in Chiromo Campus of the University of Nairobi.

The organization started to look into the welfare of science students has been instrumental in performing various activities in and out of the campus.